Opening up my SD card:
Nurse, retractors. Now, take off your blouse. Now, nurse, now! ...exxcellennnnt...

I somehow managed to break off the locking tab on the side of my 512mb (it just had to be the big, expensive one, didn't it?) SD memory card. Nuts.
Now, it still works, but it's permanently in the locked state. i.e. I can't read or write to it.
Screw it, I decided to open the baby up and take a looksie inside. See if I can fix the problem or at least get a look at the internals.
First thing's first, split the bugger open:

Once ripped open, the internal flash memory just pops right out (right out, onto the floor).
I put the internal flash in a safe place, making sure to smudge my greasy fingers all over the surface.
Next, take a look at what we've got:

Or, it could be the external circuitry of the flash memory module.
See the large gap cut in the right side? That's where the lock should be, sliding up and down. It probably provides a bridging contact, somewhere in the circuitry. Until I know where, it would be dangerous to attempt a 'chuwy fix'.
I still like the idea of little minature trucks, hurtling down the electronic highway, listening to their electronic country & western music...
From another angle:

Let's flip this baby over and check out the rear (ooer!):

Well, first thing I see is that I need to cut my nails.
On second inspection, I notice...sod all. Just a small circle with '1D6' imprinted on it.
A message from superior beings, perhaps (of course, with me, that's just about anybody)?
"Not much to see or do here, let's move along, people!"
Putting it all back together and fingers crossed:

Test results:

At least, not a 'doh!' (>_<) Back to how it was before I tore it asunder. Not bad. I got to open the baby up and look 'inside' and no damage is done (as far as I know). I just hope the SD card company doesn't check this blog. Gotta find the guarantee card. Where did I put it?
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