Thoughts and experiences from this simple creature, called Chris. How well do you know him? Do you even care? Probably less so, after reading this:

Sunday, March 4

Gonna try and get some pics of the eclipse tonight/this morning

Have to try and wake up at about 5. It's 3:34 now, so maybe no sleep is better?
Think I'll try for 2 hours sleep and trust in my self discipline (it has only failed me every single day of my life so far) to wake up.
sunrise is 6:08 here.
The moon is set to be partially eclipsed at around 5:18, almost fully eclipsed at about 6:30, so I hope to be able to get at least a partially eclipsed moon shot for you guys.

Gonna set up the tripod outsdie on my balcony.
Right now I have a gorgeous view of the moon.
Not sure how much of it I'll see in three hours, though.
I'll try my best.
This is a once in a longtime chance.

Still got THE BIG DIRTY to do later this morning and the rest of the day.
Gonna be a tough day.

Gonna sneak outside now and get a 'before' picture.
Where's my camera?

Hope the police don't arrest me.
Maybe I'll be able to sneak one in of Mrs.Tanaka, coming out of the shower?

Here is a shot I took just now (4:20) of the moon:

I used my canon s2is 12x optical zoom digital camera at a 5m setting.
Not so bad.

Will try later if I can wake up.
Should I go to sleep?


Blogger Unknown said...

nice pic

8:39 pm


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