Guess who's birthday it is? - well, no one special...
Just me.
One more time, around the sun.
One more time, around the sun.
Took a few photos.

Man, the heavens are just so beautiful. But then beauty is everywhere.
You just gotta open your eyes and see.

You just gotta open your eyes and see.
Just took the small scope out tonight. Got some okay shots, but not as crisp as they look through the scope itself. Enjoyed a few quality beers. Finished a Young's Double Chocolate Stout as the clock chimed midnight. Good timing. Great beer.
Feeling fine.
Got an e-mail from a friend I haven't seen for a long, long time. Suprised she remembers my birthday, or even me. However she remembered, I'm grateful. Thank you.
Not a bad song. Remember this guy? Everlast.
Seems like he's gone all Steven Seagal. Still, some nice songs.
Hope you all enjoy the darkest day of the year. May it be full of sunshine.
I'm gonna watch a movie (Beowulf) and drink some of my favourite booze. Apparently the Green Bay Packers Cheerleading squad are fully booked, so I have to make do with this second choice.
Yfory yn dydd newydd. Y dydd newydd dda i chi!
(Tomorrow is a new day. May it be a good one.)
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