Thoughts and experiences from this simple creature, called Chris. How well do you know him? Do you even care? Probably less so, after reading this:

Thursday, October 19

Spice test : It's science.

Good stuff from this young man, probably Scandinavian.
Good hands on method of tasting spices.
Check it out:

Nice reactions. Even when he's celarly overpowered by the tastes, he still tries to give us an idea of how it feels.
Well done, sir!
p.s. I know from experience how bad too much cinnamon tastes. I was in a nice cafe in Kyoto and I ordered a cappuccino. As I was talking to my friend, I decided to try the nice long, round biscuit thing by the side of my coffee. I bit ti in half and started to chew.
It was then that I relaised I was chewing on a stick of cinnamon. I was tasting cinnamon for days afterwards, in everything I ate or drank.
Not nice.
I give this guy 10 out of 12. (Why 12 points? - why not?)


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