Thoughts and experiences from this simple creature, called Chris. How well do you know him? Do you even care? Probably less so, after reading this:

Thursday, June 19

I'm redoing a review blog and drinking my brains away - YAHO!!!!!


The results of my drinking so far:

Yoho Yonayona pale ale
Lovely. Yoho Brewing's flagship beer. A very nice fruity American style pale ale.
Hops are evident though not dominating. Fruitiness of the cascades(?) evident. Nice beer. Good value, too.
REcommended, especially in cask conditioned version.

Tokyo Black
Dayam! This baby is smooth and silky.
Very nice beer. Possibly the flagship no.2 beer from Yoho brewing.
Very good porter.

Yoho seasonal ESB
I like this one. Very drinkable but the alcohol (6%) is defintiely saying a big "Oi!".
Still, I'm grateful for this attempt at a British ESB.

Wild Forest (Golden ale?)
I used to really like this. Now, it's a drinkable 'lager'.
Not bad though. I'm no fan of golden ales, so the fact that I drink this says something.

National Trust Porter
Finally, a bust you can trust.
This robust porter is a fine end to a brief evening of wholesome booze, blogging and kick ass rock.
Malty roasty base.
Also, there's a hint of a lager in there. Not too thick but yet seems to hint at ooze, but only in agood way. A fine brew and justifiably a little more expensive in the shops.
Recommend finishing your mini Yoho Brewing tour with either this baby or the Tokyo black (unlesss the very good barleywine is your 'thang').

Lovely but light smell. Deep but not dark taste. Dark body.
(usually more but perhaps tonight I have a cold?)

so, what about this blog I was going to do?
Well, I started it.
You can see it by clicking on this link:

Drinking my Brains

Have a wonderful day/evening/whatever.
I'm gonna... ....I dunno...