Thoughts and experiences from this simple creature, called Chris. How well do you know him? Do you even care? Probably less so, after reading this:

Monday, August 4

I screamed for ice cream!

I went to the Yokohama Ice cream expo yesterday. It is being held in the Aka Renga (red brick warehouses) out on the bay front in Yokohama.
I arrived there late so I only got to sample about 7 ice creams.
Here's a closer view of the main poster:
I think this is a woman. They are from Akita and apparently, she said she was the only one who could make these flower ices.
Strawberry and banana flavors. Tasted very artificial but my friend loved it. Looks good but 400yen isn't cheap.
Here's a montage of all flavors in the festival. Took my bloody ages to photo them all. The pit viper ice had run out, unfortunately. I stayed away from the raw horse flesh and the cow tongue ice creams. Click on pic to see full size (big)
My friend ordered a goya soft cream, from the lbue Seal guys in Okinawa. It wasn't bad. Creamy and a little bitter.
Next up, I tried a holstein (good cows) soft cream from Hokkaido. It was okay but WAY too creamy. A bit too smooth too.

I decided to try a curry ice cream, as I was feeling hungry.
Good! a bit spicy and burned the throat a little but I liked it.

Didn't like this, though:
Absolutley horrible.

I had enough time to chance one last ice cream, so I grabbed the crab ice cream.

It was not bad. a bit strange at first but I got used to the taste.

All in all, an intersting little festival. If youliek ice cream then I recommend paying this a visit. You'll find a lto fo itneresting ice creams from all over Japan, asll in one place. It's not cheap. The cups ranged from 300 to over 450yen. The other ice creams seemed to be a bout 350 or 400yen.

Yokohama ice cream expo 6/10.

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