'aint beer brilliant?!?!
Tonight, I shall be undertaking the immense task of performing a mini drinking session of various beers.
I'm sorry, I've already started.
I drank this baby:

It's just what it says on the can.
Fantastic. Can't go wrong.
Pretty cheap, for Japan standards. About...hang on, let me find the reciept...
188yen! Pretty cheap. And it's 100%malt (no rice or corn starch, baby).
First impressions: it looks like pee.
But smells ok. Tastes pretty good. Actually, tastes better than alot of much more expensive beers out there. Value. aAlso, if this was on tap, I'd drink it, over guinness or any of the big 4 Japanese brews or the American ones (Bud, Coors, MGD, etc).
Nice. When I go back to this shop (I found it by accident today - long story - later), I'll grab me a few of these. 6.5-7/10!!!!
Gott go! gotta run and grab some cooking oil before the shops close!
Gonna cook me up some tonkatsu, champingions (how do you spell that freakin word?), and fried chicken.
Good food with beer and I'm gonna be drinking so much f**kin' beer!

A kingfisher, from India. But 298yen from the shop near me.
Lovely beer. Good quality, too. (7/10)
Hopped and dry taste. A pilsner, perhaps?
Right, finished cooking and as I write this, there's a huge storm going on overhead. Awesome!
Cooked my food. It looks and tastes grrrreat!!!
Probably remove 3years off my life (together with the beer), but what the heck, you only die once.
Here are some more picks for you:

Fried chicken and champignons

All together! Nice! Meat!!!
(all animals were harmed in the making of this meal - sorry)

About time for my next beer, methinks.
A sunsun!!!! (235yen)
"Here comes the sunsun again,
sliding down my throat like an organic beer!"
This baby is also quite nice. Little sharp but very very nice.
Nice bit of malty taste for me. 6/10.
Oookay...finished the food and the beer. Ah, sh*t! tthe f**kin colr thing is still on and the bold and the sh*t and sh*t!!!
There F**k! Ah, there you go. No problem.
Like I wasn't saying, now I'm downloading some TRailer Park Boys .Great stuff, from Canda (ay?). Gonna make the long, arduous, perilous trek to the fridge and grab me another brewskie...
While I'm gone, why not entertain yerself with this baby, eh?

I'm back!
Dreher, an Italian lager (298yen).
Really nothing special. Tastes very light.
4/10. Morretti is much better, as,
if memory serves me correct, is Nastro Azzurro.

Satsuma gold, is a lager made using satsuma and/or sweet potatoes? That's what I think I says on the bottle, anyway.
A stange aroma that at first hinted that the beer may have gone bad, but then...no. It's supposed to smell that way.
The satsuma is detectable, as a fruity, orangey tangy, semi putridity that seems to belnd into the background flavors of the beer. Interesting. The sweet potato flavor combines wonerfully with the rpange to hide each other within the complexities of this most usuaual brew. An lamost orange, golden hue reinforces it's name solidly. I msut say, I was suprised by this one. I didn't actually realise that there were satsumas or sweet potatoes in it! Hence my confusion, when I was expecting a golden ale taste and aroma.
But now, it's warming to me. It's ok, if a little light. 5.5/10. I think one is enough. Not bad, though (about 350yen?)
Brewery is from Kagoshima, I think. I tried their Munich weissen and I liked it.

Next is a Hitachino Nest Amber Ale.
Very dark color. Darker than amber, I thought.
Using English premium barley and bitter hops. Roasted malts come through in the flavor. Complex taste. Tastes sronger than 5%. Not bad. I'm not the biggest fan of Hitachino Nest, but this one's notbad. 6/10.
Incidentally, Hitachino Nest is the only place I found where you can go there and actually make your own beer. I may try that, someday. For the link, click here.
Anyway, I'm halfway through this beer now, so better post this and get on with the all important drinking. (cost me 350yen)
One more fer ye (not suitable for children).
One more for you:

Hitachino Nest, Sweet Stout:
THe bottle says creamy and I kind of agree, but in a very light way. 4% alc. It tastes it, too. Slightly malted aroma but lack of hops in this. Roasted malts not too strong, but they dominate the taste. I can see a little sediment in the beer. Nice, dark porter style color. Tastes almost like a 'weak porter' would.
Still, not bad. Would prefer a littel more 'weight' to my beer, though. Just a little. Still sweet, perhaps due to lack of bitterness from the hops. 5.5-6/10. 350yen.
Hang on, I aint finished...
Here's one more for you!
Satsuma black - and it is.

Very black. I think this is also a 'happoushu' i.i. a beer made with less than aboot 50% malt and includes something else like rice or corn starch, etc.
This baby has satsuma sweet potato (I have no idea what that is).
I think it feels like a brwon ale that has gone strange. Strange taste. doesn't win me over.
Interesting to try, but I'd rather drink something nicer. 4/10 (for curiosity). Doesn't really work. There's a roasted feel to the flavor but it's kinda screwed up wth everything else. An indescisive beer...perhaps.
Finishing off with a nice one.

A pint of Murphy's Irish Stout (but I think this is brewed in England):
Very, very (if not, 'too') creamy.
Scarily long head retention.
Smooth pint.
However, this one tastes not quite as good as I'd expected it to.
Maybe I' getting drunk.
Oh well, gonna watch the rest of Alien now.
Later, dudes and dudettes.
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